Screening Mammography


When should I start having mammograms?

希望延长寿命并寻求改善乳腺癌治疗方案的女性应该从40岁开始每年进行一次筛查. They should continue as long as they are in good health.

用这个来了解你开始乳房x光检查的选择 decision aid on our Healthwise® Health Encyclopedia website.

You do not need a referral for a screening mammogram. Contact us to schedule an appointment.


Screening mammography helps find early-stage cancer earlier


与晚期癌症相比,早期乳腺癌通常是可以治愈的,而且更容易用侵入性更小、毒性更小的治疗方法进行治疗. 大约不到10%的常规乳房x光检查被解释为可能异常,需要通过乳房x光检查和/或乳房超声进行额外的乳房成像.

Out of 1,000 women who have a routine mammogram, 要求进行额外成像的人数不到100人,需要进行微创活检的人数为10人. 最终,在这1000名女性中会发现两种癌症. It is very important to undergo the additional diagnostic imaging 要知道哪些异常的常规检查是真正令人担忧的. 这些都是单独的检查,除了常规乳房x光检查外,还要单独收费.

您的初级保健提供者可能会根据您的个人和家族史帮助您决定是否建议您进行补充影像学检查. However, 如果您对最适合您的检查有疑问,欢迎询问乳房x光检查技师和放射科医生. How often you have a mammogram may depend on your age, family history, risk for breast cancer, and overall health. 乳房x光检查不需要医生推荐,大多数保险公司都在承保范围之内.

乳房x光检查是由我们的技术人员进行的,他们通过了认证 American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).

Types of mammograms


2-D digital mammography

In 2-D digital mammography, 一束低剂量的x射线穿过乳房,产生一个数字图像受体, similar to the working of a digital camera. 乳房x光检查技术人员在几秒钟内就能在计算机显示器上看到这张图像. 然后将图像以电子方式发送给放射科医生进行解释. The exam takes 15 to 20 minutes. 二维数字乳房x光检查是大多数女性的标准乳房检查.

3-D digital mammography tomosynthesis

3-D数字乳房x线照相术(也称为乳腺断层合成术), 乳房成像检查能提高乳房x光检查的准确性吗. In women having screening, 三维数字乳房x光检查可以与传统的二维数字乳房x光检查一起进行. 有时,三维乳房x光检查可以用来评估像乳房肿块这样的异常.

The 3-D mammogram is very similar to a 2-D mammogram. With 3-D mammography, however, x射线管移动,得到一系列的小x射线曝光, creating a digital data set, 然后重建成1毫米厚的薄片(或层). 放射科医生看的是乳房的每一层,而不是整个乳房的阴影. As a result, 放射科医生可以检测到被覆盖的组织隐藏的乳腺癌,这些组织可能会模仿癌症,导致误报或不必要的回调.

The benefits of 3-D mammography include:

  • Earlier detection 这些乳腺癌可能会被周围的组织隐藏起来.
  • Greater accuracy in identifying the shape and location of abnormalities.
  • Fewer callbacks 并有助于区分无害的异常和真正的癌症.

Your mammogram appointment

Before your mammogram

  • If you have had mammograms elsewhere, 请致电该机构,并在预约前将您的结果发送给我们-这些测试将用于比较.
  • 请不要带着你的孩子——乳房x光检查医生不能看着你的孩子,也不能给你充分的关注.
  • 尽量把乳房x光检查安排在月经后的一周, when your breasts are less tender.
  • 考试时穿两件套,这样你只需要脱下上衣.
  • Don't apply powders, ointments or creams to your chest area the day of the exam, 因为这些产物会出现在x射线图像上,很难解释.
  • If you wear deodorant, please apply it sparingly, as you will be asked to wash it off before your mammogram.

During your mammogram

你将被要求脱掉腰部以上的衣服,穿上考试服. 然后你将站在乳房x光检查单元前面,这是一种特殊类型的x光机. 乳房摄影医师将乳房放在两个塑料板之间,并逐渐压缩几秒钟. (压缩导致轻微的变平,有助于在减少x射线剂量的同时产生清晰的图像.)

乳房x光检查师拍下两张乳房的照片,一张从上面拍,一张从侧面拍. The examination is then repeated for the other breast.

After your mammogram

您的乳房x光片将由我们一位受过专门训练的放射科医生阅读, who will send the results to your physician. You will receive a written summary of the report.

如果你在两周内还没有收到这份摘要,请联系你的医生或医院 Radiology Department.